Serving leftovers: Creamy Omelette with carrots, Bell peppers, Malunggay, and Cream Cheese

I enjoy serving left-overs because I am forced to be creative in repurposing previously-cooked dishes and spare vegetables. For Y's brunch today, I decided to whip up a creamy omelette (with cream cheese, yum!) served with last night's turbo-broiled chicken and rice.

Creamy omelette with shredded carrots, bell peppers, and malunggay leaves for baby


1 large egg
1 tbsp cream cheese
1/2 a carrot, shedded
1/2 a bell pepper, minced
Malunggay leaves


  1. Whisk your egg a little, and add in your cream cheese until a homogenous mixture is formed. 
  2. Add all your vegetables and whisk until evenly mixed.
  3. Preheat your non-stick frying pan for a good minute (or two). Add your omelette mixture. 
  4. Take out of the heat once cooked. Serve with rice and leftover turbo chicken. 
