Easter Egg Painting with A Toddler

Painting easter eggs is a good activity to keep our toddlers and kids busy for the Easter holiday. It is the perfect opportunity for us parents to teach our toddlers about colors. Our little ones get to exercise their fine motor skills and express themselves creatively through painting. 

The yellow one is daddy's, the colourful one is Y's, and the striped one is mine :) 

You'll need basic, inexpensive materials for this activity. I used the cheapest watercolor set I could find, an old painting palette, and a regular bib (although you can use a smock for bigger kids).

Watercolor, painting palette, hardboiled eggs, a smock/bib 

You can let your toddlers hold the paintbrush to practice their pincer grasp or you can let them paint using their fingers. I found that Y liked painting with his fingers more!
