Serving leftovers: Couscous-stuffed potato balls and roasted chicken

We had leftover mashed potatoes, couscous, and roasted chicken so I decided to re-cook them for Y. He loved the potato balls and finished all 8! For dessert, I sliced up some apples and persimmon.

Couscous-stuffed potato balls, roasted chicken, apples, persimmon for baby 

Here's how to make the couscous-stuffed potato balls:


1 cup of leftover mashed potatoes (boiled and mashed potatoes, no seasoning)
1/4 cup of plain cooked couscous
2 tbps flour
1 tbps olive oil for frying


  1. Roll the mashed potatoes into balls, stuffing a quarter teaspoon of couscous inside.
  2. Coat the potato balls lightly with flour so that they won't stick to the plate/pan.
  3. With very minimal oil, pan fry the potato balls in medium heat until outside becomes crispy.
